
2,Book review -French Adventures part2-

Sam was filled with relief. But as she opened her mouth to answer, her eyes suddenly filled with tears. (p10)

「French Adventure part2  book」の画像検索結果     Today, I read "French Adventure part2". It is Story Street and written by Jeremy Strong. This book is continued from part1. The end of part1, Sam and Mouse got lost, so the story of this book started from walking street of Paris. They can't speak French, so they couldn't ask people the way to the place where teachers were in. They came into book store and tried to ask the shop clerk,Montana. The clerk was be able to speak English very well! She helped them to bo back. On the way, she boght some cakes from a bakery. The cake was one of the best cake in Paris. They went up to the Eiffel Tower. It is because she thought that they may be able to find their teacher from the tower. Finally, they found thier teacher.
     I thought that it was good for Sam, Mouse, and Montana to find thier teacher, and I would not like to get lost at the street where I don't know about.

Strong,J.(2001). French Adventure part2. Harlow : Pearson Education

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